Thursday, June 14, 2007


One of the reasons why I've been feeling chipper lately is because everyone around me seems to put a damper on everything. I am a walking antithesis of what my surroundings create. It makes me tired to see nothing but pure innocence and pure developed cycle that only passes by us once in awhile. I like who I am and I think I'll stay true to what I can relay to my peeps!

"Life's too fast. If you don't stop and look around once in awhile, you could miss it".
- Ferris Bueller -

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

BALIW - by Redd Ochoa

This independent film that was written, produced, and directed by Redd Ochoa is an exhale from most movies that come out of the Philippine entertainment circuit. It is a given and a living proof that the movie industry in the Philippines is far be it from dying. It has just started. Baliw created a dimension that broke a lot of stereotypes in the movies locally produced in the Philippines. I'm glad that the love story was what it was. Without ruining the movie for you, the boy does get the girl, but he didn't get it the way its normally done.

This movie was shot on location in the Philippines and gave a pretty good image as to some of the issues that faces the said country. Child abandonment, orphanage, second chances... an array of issues that was well put together by the writer/director. An incredible cinematography and proper direction for its ensemble cast. A very interesting supporting cast I might say. It's nice that BALIW took out the usual stereotype of a man gone crazy by not making him a drug addict nor looking like a frail dirty man with no clothes on his back. I have encountered several of which and yes they are true, but nevertheless, I have encountered the antithesis and they are more prominent.

I always look forward to new and exciting films that come out of the Philippines. I was quite disappointed at one point when all that was coming out were big budgeted love stories and sometimes fantasy thrillers that seem to poke fun of my judgement and way of thinking as a Filipina. The most interesting part about the whole thing is that BALIW is just a simple story with a simple message. But the opening of it surely blows your mind away as to how less can be more.

Check out this movie when it comes out in theatres. Next up : AMERICAN GANGSTERS! Can't wait for that.